Welcome To My Art Page

About Me.

My name is Jeremy and I’m a self-taught, middle-aged artist from the suburban outskirts of the great city of Detroit

This page is setup to showcase my past work and to post about projects currently in progress. Please visit the gallery to see my fine art paintings, comics and mural work.

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My interest in art...

...started back in '78 or '79 when was in first grade. I drew a picture of Batman from memory for a classmate. Something clicked and from that moment on I've had an non-stop obsessive compulsive relationship with creating.

I first started making money off my work in '93 and since then it's consistently either been a part or full time source of my income.

I've had lots of solo shows and been in lots of group shows. I've painted lots of murals and have done lots of great commercial jobs. It's been infinitely rewarding and has shaped the person that I am. Recently I've focused my longterm creative time and energy to rekindle my high school dream of becoming a graphic novelist.

What Happens In The Workshop?​

Follow my blog for behind the scenes exposés and state of the art gossip to keep you abreast of my business.

My First Artist Talk

Here's a video of my first ever artist talk. It's something I knew I'd enjoy but never wanted to do because I didn't feel like I had anything to say about art that hasn't already been said a million times to death. Then the pandemic happened. This talk is about how the hardest two years of my life created the greatest artistic achievement I've ever had. I'm pretty happy with it and I've recieved a lot of positive feedback. I hope you check it out. Thank you Richard Reeves for setting this up for me.

About The Book

Read my first graphic novel Delusions of Grandeur.

Delusions is a 180 page full color dark comedy, existential, psychedelic, horror, comic book saga that takes place at a rehabilitation center for the worlds most notorious high level cult leaders.

The protagonist Georgie Smelt was once considered the most dangerous man alive back when he lead the evil doomsday cult New Eden. Georgie was apprehended mere seconds before his plans for world destruction came to fruition and given life in prison for his multitude of crimes against humanity.

After serving ten years Georgie is invited to participate in a top secret experimental program that’s specifically designed to purge him and people of his ilk of criminal inhibitions. Once the program is successfully completed Georgie could have the option to forgo the remainder of his sentance and to return to society a domesticated man.

Georgie is determined to put his past behind him and set things right.

Except that everything goes wrong. Diabolicaly wrong…

Read Delusions Of Grandeur For Free.

Escape into the escapism of Jeremy Ian Harvey


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The way the Jeremy has captured the essence of nature in their painting is simply breathtaking. The colors and textures blend seamlessly to create a vivid representation of beauty.

Ethan Rodriguez

The way Jeremy uses bold, vibrant colors in his paintings is both striking and mesmerizing! His brushstrokes create a sense of movement and fluidity, as if the colors are dancing across the canvas.

Emily Johnson

Jeremy's art is both striking and mesmerizing. His use of bright, eye-catching colors and intricate patterns creates a sense of energy and excitement that is contagious.

Olivia Martin

After stumbling on Jeremy's art, I was immediately captivated by his incredibly moving and evocative art! I can't wait to put his work on my wall.

Ava Smith
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